
Provide Your Rambunctious Kitten With Top-Notch Nutrition

Your new orange tabby kitten Peaches resembles a furry spring-loaded toy. Earlier this week, you brought this energetic seven-week-old girl home from your town’s animal shelter. After arriving at the house, she furiously raced through each room like she was searching for hidden treasure. After that, she batted several cat toys into submission. To power her high-powered lifestyle, Peaches needs top-quality kitten chow that provides energy and enables her fast weight gain. To learn more about the essential components of your pet’s diet, read our article on The Building Blocks of Your Pet’s Nutrition. Fortunately, she visited your Jupiter Island, FL veterinarian for a new patient exam, a nutritious diet, and a kitten-focused feeding schedule.

Tasty High-Octane Kibbles

Some of Peaches’ nutritional requirements match those of your three-year-old white cat Seafoam. Both girls need similar amounts of fats, some fatty acids, and certain vitamins. However, your fast-developing kitten must also get extra protein, amino acids, and other vitamins and minerals. Ideally, 30 percent of her energy will come from quality proteins.

Your kitten-friendly vet will prescribe a tasty, nutritious food that your cat will enjoy until she reaches maturity. Although she’ll probably pester you for cat treats, these delicious morsels don’t have much nutritional value. Don’t allow her to scarf down the snacks and refuse those more-important meals.

Several Daily Meals

Peaches and Seafoam will have different dining schedules – at least for awhile. Your active adult cat enjoys two daily meals, giving her plenty of energy for those important playtime sessions. Her balanced diet also provides her with extra “oomph” for tearing through the house with your dog.

In contrast, your supercharged kitten moves at a frantic pace all day. She’s frequently in motion; and she only stops to eat, drink, pee, or poop. Twice, you’ve seen her take a catnap to fuel the next round of activities. To maintain this fast-paced routine, her body must receive three or four meals daily.

Abundant Fresh Water

To supplement her vet-approved diet, Peaches must always drink plenty of fresh water daily. Fill her bowl each morning, and top it off during the day. This helps her to avoid dehydration, which can contribute to other health conditions.

As Peaches grows into a healthy adult cat, your Jupiter Island, FL veterinarian will give her consistent physical exams and address emerging issues. He’ll also modify her diet to reflect her changing nutritional needs. To provide your kitten with an excellent start, contact us for expert advice.

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