
Keeping Fido Safe From Harmful Algal Blooms

Cyanobacteria, commonly referred to as blue-green algae, is a bacterium that flourishes in warm water environments. It is a hidden danger, which can be found in numerous lakes and ponds. The toxin it emits can be extremely hazardous and even fatal to both humans and pets. This is important information that all pet owners should be aware of, especially those who enjoy taking their dogs swimming. Continue reading to gain valuable insight from a local Jupiter Island, FL veterinarian regarding this hazardous toxin.

What Is Blue Green Algae?

This particular strain of algae poses a significant threat due to its production of a specific toxin. Blooms can happen at any time when the average water temperature exceeds 75 degrees, as this is when numerous bodies of water become abundant in nutrients. The summer months, especially around and just after the dog days of summer, can be particularly hazardous. It is commonly found in shallower lakes and ponds.

How Do I Know If A Lake Has Blue-Green Algae?

You can often identify blue-green algae blooms based on their appearance and odor. The name “blue-green algae” is quite fitting for cyanobacteria. The blooms frequently resemble the texture and color of pea soup or green paint. They frequently release an unpleasant, swamp-like smell.

However, appearances can be deceiving. Smaller blooms might not be readily apparent to the unaided eye.

What Are The Telltale Indicators Of Exposure In Dogs?

Red flags include panting, respiratory issues, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness or disorientation, and excessive drooling. If any of these signs appear in your dog, immediately reach out to your Jupiter Island, FL veterinarian or an emergency pet clinic.

How Do People And Pets Get Sick From Blue-Green Algae?

Drinking contaminated water is a common source of illness for dogs, although it is not the sole cause. Toxins can also be ingested by people and pets through their skin or by breathing in water droplets or vapor. You should also be aware that various water activities such as tubing, water skiing, swimming, floating, or boating can potentially expose you to contamination.

How Can I Know If A Lake Is Safe?

If you detect a swamp odor or observe the presence of green scum, just play it safe and assume that the lake is not safe. However, as previously stated, the bloom may not be visible. Be sure to keep an eye out for posted signs, as local governments often put up notices when blooms are confirmed. You can’t just go by sight, as smaller blooms may not be obvious.

Additionally, you may want to consider referring to the HAB (Harmful Algae Blooms) map, which offers comprehensive information on blue-green algae blooms in all states.

What Should I Do If My Pet Encounters Cyanobacteria?

Start by giving Fido a thorough bath, and immediately contact your Jupiter Island, FL veterinarian. You may need to bring your pet into an urgent care center, even if he isn’t showing symptoms yet.

(Note: we highly recommend giving Fido a rinse after he has been swimming, regardless of the type of water he has been in – be it a pool, lake, or beach. Ensuring that sand, salt, and any chemicals are thoroughly removed from his fur and skin is paramount.)

How Dangerous Is Blue-Green Algae?

Blue-green algae poses a significant threat to both humans and animals. Exposure can result in symptoms such as diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, skin rashes, eye and throat irritation, and respiratory distress. In addition, it may result in severe neurological issues and/or liver failure. Exposure to or ingestion of significant quantities of the algae can result in fatality. Unfortunately, there is no antidote available.

Dogs and livestock are especially vulnerable in this situation, as they lack the knowledge to avoid drinking the contaminated water. They may consume a significant amount before you are able to intervene.

Is Swimming With Blue-Green Algae Safe?

Never! exercise caution when approaching a lake or pond, regardless of its appearance. Check local resources, and choose swimming spots that have been cleared.

How Long Do Blue-Green Algae Blooms Last?

Each individual bloom has a relatively short lifespan of only one to two weeks. Under favorable conditions, blooms have the potential to grow rapidly and quickly be substituted by another. Lakes can remain contaminated for extended periods of time, ranging from weeks to even months. This typically occurs during the transition from summer to fall.

Can Boiling Water Kill Blue-Green Algae?

No. It is crucial to understand this if you enjoy camping with your furry friend and frequently need to boil water from natural sources. While boiling effectively eliminates live bacteria and microorganisms, it cannot eliminate cyanobacterial toxins.

What Else Can I Do To Keep Fido Safe At The Lake?

Aside from cyanobacteria, lakes can harbor a variety of additional hazards. Swimming can be a source of enjoyment for Fido, but it’s important to be aware of the potential dangers it poses.  Here in Florida, there are also gators and snakes to consider, which is reason enough to avoid lakes and ponds!

Not all dogs are suited for water. If your pooch is a brachycephalic breed or experiences mobility challenges, he may be better off just playing in a kiddie pool. Smaller breeds of dogs can quickly find themselves in water that is too deep for them. Some pups are over their heads in just a few inches or feet! If you have any doubts about whether swimming is appropriate for your dog, it is recommended to consult your veterinarian.

Make sure that your furry friend knows how to swim. If he doesn’t, take the time to teach him. Never ever just put a puppy into the water and expect a positive outcome. Even if your canine pal figures out the doggy paddle, he may be traumatized by the experience. Offer your support and provide encouragement by praising and complimenting him as he continues to learn.

Aside from that, we would just say to always use the same safety protocols as you would with a young child. First and foremost? Closely monitor Fido while he is in the water.

Be cautious when choosing locations to take your pet. Avoid areas with blue-green algae blooms and be mindful of steep drops, heavy wakes, or strong currents. Heading to the shore this summer? Be aware of the potential hazard of red tides.

Your furry friend should also know fundamental obedience commands like Sit, Stay, and Come. Ensuring that your dog does not approach a hazardous area is crucial. When bringing your dog to a pool, it’s important to promptly teach them the location of the stairs.

Lastly, preventing your dog from drinking water from lakes, ponds, or puddles is important. Aside from the potential threat of cyanobacteria, Fido may also be vulnerable to parasites like Giardia. Ask your Jupiter Island, FL vet for more information.

In conclusion: Cyanobacteria, commonly known as blue-green algae, is a toxic algae that tends to proliferate in numerous lakes and ponds during the summer months. This poses a significant threat to both pets and livestock. Pet owners should know the potential dangers associated with blooms and learn how to recognize and prevent them.

Schedule an Appointment at Our Jupiter Island, FL Pet Hospital

Is your dog in need of a check-up? Is it necessary for Fido to come in for wellness care, vaccines, or parasite control? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us, your Jupiter Island, FL animal clinic, at any time.

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