
Help Your Dog to Conquer His Motion Sickness

Your retriever mix Harley is the king of car rides. Before each trip, he quivers with anticipation as he jumps into the back seat. While you ride along, he hops around with excitement. Lately, though, your generally happy pooch has whimpered and whined during the trip. Last week, he threw up on your leather seat. You’ve heard that dogs can experience motion sickness in vehicles, planes, and boats. You wonder if poor Harley has become the latest victim. Tomorrow, he’ll visit your Jupiter Island, FL pet clinic, where the vet will diagnose and treat your canine companion’s strange symptoms.

Memorable Symptoms

If Harley’s affected by nasty motion sickness, he’ll display unforgettable symptoms. First, he’ll keep licking his lips. Next, he’ll drool like crazy, maybe even slobbering on the back seat. He’ll yawn and moan quite a bit; and then he’ll sit completely still. He might even upchuck on the seat or make a smelly deposit on your carpet.

Potential Causes

Your one-year-old companion is barely an adult, so his equilibrium is still under development; and he’s susceptible to motion sickness. As he becomes fully mature, he might outgrow this puzzling ailment.

Perhaps your unfortunate pooch’s problem stems from an unsavory incident. Maybe he can’t forget that unpleasant three-day weekend, when he spent many hours in your SUV’s cargo bay with your evil-tempered cat. Although this malevolent creature couldn’t escape from his crate, he hissed and growled at your terrified young dog. Maybe your companion thinks that ill-intentioned feline is still lurking in the vehicle.

Diagnosing the Problem

Before seeking a behavioral cause, your vet will rule out a medical reason for Harley’s actions. If he’s a healthy guy, the vet will review your dog’s travel history. He’ll likely determine that motion sickness is the culprit.

Several Treatment Tactics

Several treatment tactics might help your companion. First, open the vehicle’s windows while you travel. This should decrease the interior air pressure, along with your dog’s stomach upset. Pack his favorite toys and blanket; and stop often for potty breaks. With your vet’s approval, don’t feed him for several hours before the trip. With less food in his stomach, he’s less prone to vomiting. If you’re looking for a cool treat to give your dog after the trip, check out our article on Frozen Treats for Fido.

If Harley still seems unsettled, ask your Jupiter Island, FL pet clinic if medication could help. Our Veterinary Services can help diagnose and treat a wide range of issues affecting your furry friend. If your dog could have similar issues, contact us for expert advice.

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