
Help Your Cat to Improve His Dental Health

Your smoky-gray cat Slate gives his teeth an impressive workout. Each day, your four-year-old feline housemate destroys two bowls of kibbles and some tasty snacks. Next, he gnaws on his cloth toys, trying to turn the fabric and stuffing into shreds. Because his tiny teeth are busy, you’d like to keep them healthy. Fortunately, your Jupiter Island, FL veterinary clinic will give Slate a dental checkup tomorrow.

Beware of “Kitty Cavities”

Slate and his feline relatives can suffer from FORLs, or feline odontoclastic resorptive lesions. Affecting cats of all ages, these “kitty cavities” are lesions that form on teeth sides near the gum lines. The cavities can gradually erode your cat’s tooth, perhaps causing a fracture. He could develop severely inflamed gums and a tooth pulp infection.

Perils of Periodontitis

You’d like Slate to avoid periodontitis, the most common feline dental ailment. This progressive condition starts when plaque, a soft mixture of food, bacteria, and saliva, assaults his gums and teeth. If it’s not removed immediately, plaque can harden into tartar, potentially triggering tooth and root tissue irritation.

First, you could observe reddish-looking gum tissues, or gingivitis. Next, tooth abscesses or infections can develop. Your poor feline companion can suffer from bleeding, pain, horrible breath, and tooth loss. After his gum tissues are compromised, bacteria can enter his bloodstream; and could travel to his heart and kidneys.

Consistent Dental Checkups

To prevent painful dental disease, the vet checks your companion’s teeth and gums during each physical exam. He immediately addresses emerging conditions. If your cat has trouble eating, develops obnoxious breath, or starts to drool, take him to the vet without delay.

Cleaning/Polishing Treatments

If the vet discovers tartar buildup or gingivitis, he’ll probably prescribe a complete dental cleaning. While Slate snoozes under anesthesia, a veterinary technician closely tracks his vital signs.

Next, the vet scrubs each tooth surface, even beneath gum lines. Your cat also receives a beneficial tooth polish, smoothing his tooth surfaces so debris can’t easily accumulate there.

Regular Home Care

Your Jupiter Island, FL veterinary clinic will demonstrate how to safely brush Slate’s teeth. Use a cat-friendly toothpaste, as human paste will annoy his mouth and stomach.

With professional dental exams and cleanings, plus home brushing sessions, Slate’s little razors should stay healthy. To provide your cat with top-notch dental care, contact us for expert advice. For more information on caring for your senior cat, read our article on how to Provide Your Senior Cat With Well-Rounded Care.

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